Timesheet Portal Guides


​Approve or Reject Timesheets & Expenses

For a list of all the claims submitted by your worker(s), click either the Timesheets or Expenses tab and select Authorise from the drop-down menu. These are waiting for your approval. There are two ways you can approve:

Bulk Approve

This is the quickest way to approve several timesheets at once. Under the approve column, use the tick box to select each item that you want to approve. Enter your password and click Approve. All of the selected items will now be approved.

Individually Approve

The other method is to approve each timesheet individually by clicking on the name of the item. This will show you more information so you can review the item before deciding if you will authorise it. Enter your password at the bottom and click Approve.


Click on the claim you would like to reject. This will show you more information so you can review the item first. Enter your password at the bottom and select Reject. You will be presented with a new page asking for a Reason for the rejection. This reason will be sent back to the worker so they can act accordingly.

Non-Working Weeks/ Holidays

We ask contractors to submit timesheets covering weeks that they have not worked so that there is a clear record.

A Week:

Contractors will submit a blank timesheet for approval. In the Comment box, we suggest entering information such as Non-Working Week. You will be asked to approve this timesheet for 0 hours/days.

One day:

If contractors have a day off, they can leave the day blank and submit the timesheet for the other days worked.

If you have any further questions please email contract@spectrumit.co.uk


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