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Expenses - Getting Started

Here are some of the basics to get you starting with claiming for Expenses using the online portal.

Expense Menu

Use the Expenses menu to manage your claims.

Claim: Claim to be reimbursed for a new expense.

Drafts: View Draft Expenses. This may be Expenses which have been submitted for Approval, and were Rejected by one of your Approval Managers. These are not visable to your Approval Manager(s), but can be submitted for Approval.

Unautorised: Use this function to search and manage all of your unauthorised Expenses.

Rejected: Use this function to search and manage all of your Rejected Expenses.

Search: Search all Expense claims, regardless of their Status.

Expense Status

It is useful to understand the meaning of an expense status. These are:

Draft: This is an expense that has been created but not submitted.

Submitted:You have created and submitted the expense for approval. You are not able to modify Submitted expenses so please contact Spectrum IT Recruitment if you notice a mistake.

Approved:  This expense has been authorised by one of your Approval Managers as correct. 

Rejected: One of your Approval Managers have refused to approve this expense. There may be a comment provided to explain why this was rejected; usually because of incorrect information. Once rejected, the expense becomes a Draft for editing and resubmitting.

If you have any further questions please email contract@spectrumit.co.uk | BACK TO MENU