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Where Does Your Name Appear on the Internet?

People sitting on a bench in front of wall covered in black and white pictures of people

Nicole Doughton Job Searching

Find out what people will find when they search your name by doing a Google search of yourself. Are you mentioned on any websites? Is the feedback positive or negative? Which of your social media profiles come up in the search? If the first thing that comes up is your old MySpace profile, it may be a good time to sort out your privacy settings.

According to Statista, during the third quarter of 2016, LinkedIn had 467 million members, up from 433 million members in the first quarter of that year. Facebook is now, by a very wide margin, the biggest social network worldwide. As of the first quarter of 2017, Facebook had more than 1.94 billion global monthly active users, including over close to 1.74 billion mobile monthly active users

Unfortunately, not all job seekers are searchable on the web and some forget to change their social media profiles when they are looking for a new job.

Companies use social media platforms to search for candidates; contact candidates; keep tabs on potential candidates, vet candidates pre-interview and posting jobs.

Are you on LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+, Github? 

Type your name into a search engine and see what information is out there about you.

Is your information accurate and up to date?